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Italy plans to unveil a 1 Billion Euro AI investment fund to propel Technological innovation

By Team Asianet NewsableFirst Published Mar 12, 2024, 6:47 PM IST

Italy is keen to take a leap into the future, announcing a plan of a groundbreaking 1 billion euro AI investment fund to spur innovation. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni leads the charge, backed by CDP Venture Capital, as the nation gears up to navigate the challenges and opportunities of Artificial Intelligence.

Italy is taking a bold step in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), with plans to establish a groundbreaking 1 billion euro ($1.09 billion) investment fund for AI projects, announced by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. This initiative, endorsed by CDP Venture Capital, a unit of state lender Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP), holds the potential to garner an extra 2 billion euros from the private sector, according to CDP's CEO Agostino Scornajenchi.

Italy, leveraging its presidency of the Group of Seven major democracies this year, aims to shed light on the impact of AI on jobs and inequality, emphasizing the importance of safeguards in technology development. As part of upcoming legislation to be submitted in the coming weeks, Cabinet Undersecretary Alessio Butti revealed plans to establish a supervisory body, playing a crucial role in implementing the national AI strategy.

This strategic move aligns with Italy's commitment to responsible AI development, ensuring that the nation navigates the technological landscape with a focus on both innovation and societal well-being. The creation of an investment fund and the emphasis on regulatory measures underscore Italy's proactive viewpoint in nurturing technological progress while addressing potential challenges associated with the widespread adoption of AI.

In the global context, Italy's presidency of the G7 reinforces its dedication to contributing meaningfully to international discussions on the responsible and ethical use of AI technologies.

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