Caught on camera: Syrian gunman arrested after shooting near US embassy in Lebanon capital (WATCH)

By Team Asianet NewsableFirst Published Jun 5, 2024, 3:25 PM IST

The embassy, in the northern suburb of Awkar, "was subjected to gunfire by a person holding Syrian nationality", the army said in a statement on X, formerly Twitter.

A Syrian man was arrested following a shooting incident on Wednesday near the US embassy in Beirut, as confirmed by the Lebanese army. The embassy, in the northern suburb of Awkar, "was subjected to gunfire by a person holding Syrian nationality", the army said in a statement on X, formerly Twitter.

"Army personnel deployed in the area responded to the sources of fire, wounding the shooter," the statement said, adding that "he was arrested and transported to hospital".

تُجري وحدات الجيش المنتشرة في محيط السفارة الأميركية في عوكر عملية تفتيش للبقعة المحيطة، وتعمل على تنفيذ الإجراءات الأمنية اللازمة لحفظ أمن المنطقة.

— الجيش اللبناني (@LebarmyOfficial)

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The army announced that it is currently investigating the incident. The US embassy also confirmed that at 8:34 am local time, small arms fire was reported near the entrance to the high-security mission.

"Thanks to the quick reaction" of the Lebanese army, security forces "and our Embassy security team, our facility and our team are safe" it said on X.

It added that "investigations are underway and we are in close contact with host country law enforcement".

After months of bombing Israel's civilians with no global response, Hezbollah Islamist terrorists of Lebanon have attacked the US Embassy in Beirut, injuring a staffer. Ignoring threats invites them closer. The world needs a strong America standing with its allies, not Biden’s…

— Amjad Taha أمجد طه (@amjadt25)


Fire was opened on the American embassy in Beirut. The Lebanese army killed one of the attackers.

— Sulaiman Ahmed (@ShaykhSulaiman)


3 members opened fire on the American embassy in Beirut. The Lebanese army killed one of the attackers while conducting sweeping operations in the vicinity of the embassy.

— Suppressed News. (@SuppressedNws)

Another terror attack targeting a US embassy, this time in Lebanon.

ISIS terrorists opened fire on the embassy, 2 of the terrorists have been killed so far with the 3rd still at large

When will the world wake up? Terrorists, whether ISIS, Hamas, or Hezbollah, have the same…

— Hen Mazzig (@HenMazzig)

In September of last year, an armed individual discharged a firearm at the US embassy, fortunately without causing any casualties. According to Lebanese police, the shooter, identified as a delivery driver, allegedly sought revenge due to perceived mistreatment by security personnel.

This incident occurred on the anniversary of a tragic event in 1984, when a car bombing outside the US embassy annexe in Beirut resulted in fatalities. The United States attributed responsibility for the bombing to the Iran-backed Hezbollah.

Throughout the period of the Lebanese civil war from 1975 to 1990, US diplomatic and military installations in Lebanon were targeted multiple times, coinciding with the seizure of several US hostages by Islamic fundamentalists.

Following a devastating suicide attack in April 1983 that claimed the lives of 63 individuals, the embassy was relocated to Awkar for security reasons.

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