Red ants may seem small, but they can cause a lot of trouble. If these ants enter your home in large numbers, they start spoiling your belongings.
They not only attack food items, but also bite human skin upon contact, causing itching and irritation.
If you want to show them the way out of the house without killing them, you can use some easy home remedies. Let's find out how?
To drive red ants away from the house, mix alum and turmeric in equal quantities and then prepare a powder from the mixture of both. Ants will run away by sprinkling this powder.
Mix some warm water in orange juice and spray. You can also use citrus fruits like kinnow and lemon to repel red ants.
Ants absolutely hate the smell of garlic. Garlic can be used to drive them away from the house. Grind garlic, extract its juice, and spray it on the ant-infested area.
Very few people know that if a little salt is added to the water while mopping, it can greatly help in repelling ants.
Mix vinegar with equal amounts of water and then spray it on the areas where ants roam in large numbers. This will also provide relief.