Brain Teasers: Only the truly intelligent can answer these 7 questions


Brain Teasers: Only the truly intelligent can answer these 7 questions

<p>Here are 7 fun IQ questions. By answering them, you can check your ability to solve reasoning, math puzzles, and blood relation questions. The answers are given at the end.</p>

7 Fun IQ Questions

Here are 7 fun IQ questions. By answering them, you can check your ability to solve reasoning, math puzzles, and blood relation questions. The answers are given at the end.

<p>I am something that appears smaller the more it grows. What am I?</p>

<p>A) Shadow</p>

<p>B) Candle</p>

<p>C) Time</p>

<p>D) Tree</p>

Brain Teaser Question: 1

I am something that appears smaller the more it grows. What am I?

A) Shadow

B) Candle

C) Time

D) Tree

<p>Make a meaningful word from the letters given below:</p>

<p>R, A, B, I, N</p>

<p>A) RABIN</p>

<p>B) BRAIN</p>

<p>C) NABRI</p>

<p>D) RABNI</p>

Word Puzzle Question: 2

Make a meaningful word from the letters given below:

R, A, B, I, N





Logical Reasoning Question: 3

A clock is showing 3:15. What will be the angle between the two hands?

A) 0°

B) 7.5°

C) 15°

D) 30°

Blood Relation Question: 4

Pointing to a picture, a man said, "His father is the only son of my father." How is the person in the picture related to the man?

A) Son

B) Nephew

C) Grandson

D) Brother

Direction Sense Question: 5

Ram walks 10 meters towards the north, then turns left and walks 5 meters, then turns left and walks 10 meters. In which direction is he now?

A) North

B) South

C) East

D) West

Math Puzzle Question: 6

If 5 + 3 = 28, 6 + 2 = 48, 7 + 4 = 77, then 8 + 5 = ?

A) 96

B) 85

C) 104

D) 112

Coding-Decoding Question: 7

If COW is written as 23-15-3, then how will DOG be written?

A) 4-15-7

B) 7-15-4

C) 23-7-4

D) 15-4-7

Check All Answers Here

1 answer: B) Candle

2 answer: B) BRAIN

3 answer: B) 7.5°

4 answer: A) Son

5 answer: C) East

6 answer: A) 96

7 answer: A) 4-15-7

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