
IQ Test: Test Your Mental Skills with 8 Tricky Questions!

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8 Tricky IQ Questions

Here are 8 tricky IQ questions. By answering them, you can check your ability to solve reasoning, math puzzles, and blood relation questions. Answers are given at the end.

Mental Puzzle (Logical Puzzle) Question: 1

A man points to his son and says, "He is the only son of my father." What is the boy to the man?

A) Son

B) Nephew

C) Uncle

D) Himself

Direction & Distance Question: 2

Amit walks 10 km north, then turns left and walks 5 km, then turns left and walks 10 km. In which direction is he now?

A) North

B) South

C) East

D) West

Clock & Calendar Question: 3

If today is Friday, what day will it be after 61 days?

A) Monday

B) Tuesday

C) Wednesday

D) Thursday

Blood Relation Question: 4

Pointing to a picture, Ram said, "Her mother is the only daughter of my mother." What is Ram's relation to the person in the picture?

A) Brother

B) Nephew

C) Son

D) Father

Data Interpretation Question: 5

A number leaves a remainder of 3 when divided by 5, and a remainder of 4 when divided by 7. What is the number?

A) 17

B) 24

C) 31

D) 38

Math Puzzle Question: 6

If 5 + 3 = 28, 6 + 2 = 40, 7 + 4 = 77, then 8 + 6 = ?

A) 98

B) 100

C) 104

D) 110

Reasoning Question: 7

If TABLE is written as GZYOV, what will CHAIR be written as?





Word Puzzle Question: 8

Name a word that contains 'Rain' but does not mean rain?

A) Train

B) Drain

C) Brain

D) All of the above

Check all the answers here

1 Answer: A) Son

2 Answer: D) West

3 Answer: C) Wednesday

4 Answer: C) Son

5 Answer: C) 31

6 Answer: B) 100

7 Answer: C) XZNRM

8 Answer: D) All of the above

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