Here are 10 tricky IQ questions. By answering them, you can check your brain power to solve reasoning, math puzzles, and blood relation questions. All answers are given at the end.
What is something that can run but has no legs?
(A) Car
(B) Clock
(C) Train
(D) Fan
A woman points to her son and says, "The mother of this boy is the daughter-in-law of my father-in-law." What is the boy's relationship to woman?
(A) Son
(B) Nephew
(C) Mom
A man is facing south. He turns 90° to his left, then 180° to his right, and then 90° to his left. Which direction is he facing now?
(A) North
(B) South
(C) West
(D) East
How many numbers between 1 and 100 contain the digit ‘9’?
(A) 10
(B) 19
(C) 20
(D) 21
If TABLE is coded as UCDNG, how will CHAIR be coded?
What is a word that is written and read the same in both Hindi and English?
A man told his friend, "5 days ago, it was Monday." What day will it be 3 days from now?
(A) Saturday
(B) Sunday
(C) Monday
(D) Tuesday
Which month has 28 days?
(A) February
(B) January
(C) All months
(D) March
A truck travels one km at a speed of 10km/h. But on the way back, it comes at a speed of 15km/h. What will be its avg speed?
(A) 12.5 km/h
(B) 13 km/h
(C) 12 km/h
(D) 11.5 km/h
Name a word that contains 100 letters?
(A) Century
(B) Hundred
(C) Score
(D) Tonne
1 Ans- (B) Clock
2 Ans- (A) Son
3 Ans- (A) North
4 Ans- (B) 19
5 Ans- B) EJCKT
6 Ans- (A) MOM
7 Ans- B) Sunday
8 Ans- (C) All months
9 Ans- C) 12 km/h
10 Ans- (A) Century