Illegal massage parlours, spas on the rise: DCP Isha Pant advises girls to be wary of job offers

Dec 19, 2019, 4:10 PM IST

Anusha Dongre and Preethi Dey were arrested from V3A Saloon and Spa in Rajajinagar a few days ago. Police established that these pimps would bring girls on the pretext of offering them a 'decent' job and push them into prostitution.

Reacting to this development, Northeast community chief from Bengaluru said that some girls come on their own informing community members here and end up in such places. By the time they get to know the truth, the girls would have already undergone a lot.

The nodal officer for the Northeast community and DCP, South-East Bengaluru, Isha Pant has advised young girls seeking a job in Bengaluru to run a background check of the company that is offering them a job. She also instructed people not to give away original documents as there are chances of them being used by brokers and agents to hold them hostage.