5 reasons why partners sleep after SEX; also tips to fix it

Nov 21, 2021, 6:18 PM IST

Many ladies seek the solution to these problems; is it strange to sleep after sex? Does the exhaustion last longer than 24 hours? Many women stated that it’s a buzzkill for them when their spouses fall asleep after sex without fondling, making them jump to the judgment that he is left unsatisfied. But it is relatively normal for guys to doze off as tiredness felt after intercourse is a normal response to the efforts made.

 A quick fix for sleep soon after sex is coffee. Taking coffee before going to bed with your companion is essential and also practical for an erotic stimulus. It helps fight tiredness. 

Citrus can be added as a refreshing and energizing alternative. Having cold grapefruit works too. Alcohol is also suggestible but in wiser measures, as we need no sleep in mid-sex.