2 private hospitals set example, begin to convert into COVID care centres

Jul 9, 2020, 2:19 PM IST

Bengaluru: At a time when government hospitals are witnessing increase in patients related to COVID-19 and private hospital are encashing on it by charging more, two community hospitals in Shivajinagar have come forward to setup COVID care centres. First, Shifa Hospital on Cunningham Road is gearing up with 100 beds and 30 ICU units and next HBS on Shivaji Road has began the process to covert its hospital into COVID care centre. Interesting thing about the development is these hospitals will charge even less than what government has prescribed. With Bowring Hospital, another government hospital and two private hospitals in Shivajinagar there will be 600 bed and ICU to tackle the  COVID spread. At the same time, efforts to provide information and to communicate about COVID-19 will be intensified to control the virus.