B’lore: Police reach crime spot on time, save man from robbers

By Team Asianet NewsableFirst Published Nov 2, 2016, 3:09 PM IST
  • Banasawadi police set an example by decoding an indirect message and saved a business man from robbers
  • Soon after receiving call from panicking businessman, the police in the control room alerted the Hoysala squad in Banasawadi, who reached the spot in no time


Be it in real stories or in films the police, at least most of the times, reach the spot after the crime scene. But the Banaswawadi police have set an example by decoding an indirect message and saving a business man from the clutches of highway robbers in just seven minutes of receiving the call.

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On the fateful midnight of October 28, Balaji, a businessman in a car was chased by men in two two-wheelers. Soon, the four men in the two-wheelers blocked his way just 100 meters away from his house.


The robbers start threatening Balaji of kidnapping and killing him. They demand him to open the windows of his car. When he refuses to do so, they try to break the window glass. Fearing for his life, Balaji opens the window. Immediately robbers take away the car keys and his laptop and demand money.


Balaji hatched a plan and said he will ask his friends to get money as he did not have any cash at the moment. When robbers agree, he calls up the police and speaks to them as if he is speaking to a friend. “I am caught up, they are demanding money. Come to the spot with money as soon as possible,” he says intelligently giving them the address.


The police in the control room alert the Hoysala squad in Banasawadi, who were two km away from the spot. The jeep with constables Papanna and Jabiulla reach the spot within no time. Hearing the Hoysala van honking, the robbers throw the car keys and leave the spot, saving Balaji from their clutches.

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