Here’s How 25-Year-Old Hasnain Nawaz Zipped From $0 to $1M+ via Freelancing

By Team NewsableFirst Published Sep 22, 2022, 10:08 AM IST

Hasnain Nawaz launched his freelance gig on Fiverr and Upwork, and with his new-found fame and success, he struck it rich! Today, he is an example for the youth who are looking to start their businesses and make their dreams come true.

Hasnain Nawaz was once a struggling IT consultant. He had worked hard at his job and was doing well, but then he got laid off.

It was a devastating blow, especially because Hasnain had worked so hard to make it in any way possible. But instead of letting it beat him down, he decided to turn things around by polishing his skills and launching himself into entrepreneurship.

He launched his freelance gig on Fiverr and Upwork, and with his new-found fame and success, he struck it rich! Today Hasnain is an example for the youth who are looking to start their businesses and make their dreams come true.

"It wasn't easy at first—but after working as hard as I could and following my passion (which is helping other people), things started to get easier. Today, I'm an example for the youth around me: they look up to me because they know what it takes to succeed in this world," says the 25-year-old millionaire entrepreneur.

Early Life and Education

Hasnain Nawaz has never been a man to shy away from a challenge.

After graduating with an Associate Engineering Degree from a local government college in 2014, Hasnain decided he needed a change. He enrolled in computer science classes and enjoyed the experience so much that he decided to continue his studies there.

He got diplomas in IT subjects such as PHP software development and SEO. He also learned eCommerce for eBay and Amazon—two skills that would come in handy later on.

Hasnain's first job was as a computer operator for Pepsi, but he quickly moved up the ranks with the help of hard work and determination. He got hired by one of his country’s top eCommerce agencies soon after graduating in IT subjects, where he worked as an SEO specialist and eCommerce executive until being promoted to manager. 
Got Laid Off From Job

Hasnain Nawaz was a hard worker. He had been with the company for a long time, and in that tenure, he had grown from a young man into a blossoming, well-rounded professional with excellent leadership skills.

But then, one day, everything changed.

He had just finished up an important meeting at work—a meeting that would affect the direction of the company for years to come—when his boss called him into her office.

"Hasnain," he said, "I'm sorry to tell you this, but we need to let you go."

"What?" He hadn't heard right. "I'm sorry?" he repeated as he tried to process what she was saying.

"It's not personal," he continued in that same calm tone of voice she always used when giving bad news. "It's just time for us to move on to different projects."

And then it hit him: he was being fired!

It felt so unfair because Hasnain Nawaz had worked so hard over the years and delivered so much to this company, but now he's being thrown out like garbage because of some unknown reasons. 

Hasnain Launched Himself into Entrepreneurship

Is there anything more inspiring than the story of a man who didn't let a layoff change his dream?

Meet Hasnain Nawaz, the entrepreneur who launched himself into entrepreneurship after he lost his job.

After being laid off from his job, Hasnain began pursuing his passion for eCommerce-based services. He launched an online store that sold everything from toothbrushes to computer accessories to sunglasses—anything that could be shipped around the world and had a high-profit margin. But despite all of the hard work he put in and all of the sacrifices he made, Hasnain didn't lose hope. He kept going, even when it seemed like things couldn't get any worse.

But then something strange happened: Hasnain started getting freelance orders (related to SEO and eCommerce store management) from all over the world.

Now he could afford the luxury of living out his dream as a self-employed entrepreneur with a successful business model and a high-paying clientele. And it's not just because he works hard—it's because he knows how to take advantage of opportunities when they come along!

Current Life & Achievements

Hasnain Nawaz is a successful entrepreneur. He is working in a wide range of IT businesses and he has his own company Online Wave, where he provides eCommerce-based services to his clients. He has great knowledge about online marketing and he knows how to use it effectively for his clients. He also has a wide range of skills, which are needed for an eCommerce business such as search engine optimization (SEO) and paid advertising on social media networks like Facebook and Google AdWords.

He is also an award-winning Amazon Affiliate Marketing Publisher and Google AdSense Publisher.

In his spare time, Hasnain teaches skills to the youth so that they can become self-sufficient and earn their own money.

For example, many people need to convert files in an instant. And if you're one of them, then you can use the free file conversion site HNPDFTools from Hasnain Nawaz. He wanted to make it easy for people to convert their files from one format to another without having to pay anything. Many foreigners want their files to be converted from one format to another, which makes this site useful for them. You can use this site for this purpose and earn money for yourself.

He is also a motivational speaker and has spoken at various seminars, conferences, and events around the world. Hasnain is also an avid traveler and enjoys meeting new people from different cultures and backgrounds through his travels.

Some Life Lessons by Hasnain

1. Don't be afraid to fail. If you try, you might fail, but if you don't, you'll never learn.

2. You only live once, so make the most of it.

3. Don't let anyone tell you what you can and cannot do.

4. There's no point in worrying about things that have already happened because there's nothing you can do to change them.

5. Take risks and be adventurous, but don't be stupid about it.

"I know what it's like to be down on your luck, so if you're feeling bad about yourself or can't seem to get out of debt, just remember: there's always someone who has worse things happen than you do. Keep working toward being better than them!" says Hasnain.

You can follow Hasnain Nawaz on FB, Instagram, Twitter @rimrhussy, and Snapchat @imrhussy.

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