Daily Horoscope for December 12, 2023: Good day for Virgo, Libra; difficult day for Aquarius

By Chirag DaruwallaFirst Published Dec 12, 2023, 12:15 AM IST

As you begin a new journey, find out what the stars have in store for you today. Check out the astrology forecast for Leo, Libra, Virgo, Capricorn and other zodiac signs.

Ganesha says any new plan can be made at home today. Opponents may be tempted to compliment you on your merits and demeanour. Work related to the purchase or sale of land or vehicle can also be completed. A situation can arise like a dispute with a relative. However, you can normalize the situation by your own discretion. Don't listen to anyone. At this time, there is a need to take all the issues related to business seriously. Attraction can increase in love relationships. You can get relief from any problem that has been going on for some time now.

Ganesha says today, financial troubles can be relieved for a while. Feel yourself full of energy. Hard work will open the way to progress. Prioritize your personal interests at this time. Constant mood swings can be due to high sensitivity. Students may face difficulties in study. One can remain incomplete in the midst of important work. Someone may have to travel for business. Family atmosphere can be pleasant. There can be health problems due to work pressure and stress.

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Ganesha says daily tasks can run normally. Mentally you can feel healthy and happy. You will be able to fulfil your responsibilities properly. Excellent time can also be spent on household chores. Be careful when dealing with people, it can lead to a conflict with someone. Be prepared to accept any challenge. Costs may increase at this time. Time will be favourable for resolving government functions. Happiness can be increased. Excessive work can lead to fatigue and stress.

Ganesha says time is on your side. You will fulfil your responsibilities properly. Your relationship with emotionally close relatives will be sweetened. Time will pass happily even in the welcome of guests. Being criticized by a close friend can also break your morale. Money matters will also cause you anxiety. Be careful not to get into a dispute with a tenant.  Health will be excellent.

Ganesha says you will have the wonderful ability to work with others. Evaluate life seriously. This change will bring happiness in your life. Any important wish is likely to be fulfilled. Negative behaviour from a friend can hurt your mind. Commercial functions may increase. Maintaining proper coordination in home and business will be an excellent arrangement in both places. Don't let the negative things of the past dominate the present.

Ganesha says love and harmony will be maintained in the relationship. The value and importance of relationships will hold a special place for you. Students will be happy to get the result they want. Having a health problem with a member of the household can interfere with your work. It is also important to consider your budget when helping others. In many cases your thoughts may differ from others.  There can be an atmosphere of happiness in the house with the guests. Health will be good.

Ganesha says you can be successful in whatever you do. The timing is incredibly convenient. It can also be a family travel program. Carrying out a task with full courage and dedication can yield favourable results. It is important to control yourself, because it can hurt you and others. A few wrong people will try to trick you. Beware of such people. Today you will get money from a source which you have not even imagined. Have fun with friends and family. At this time there is a need to keep the eating and daily activities very balanced.

Ganesha says you will keep trying to achieve your goal. In which you will also achieve success. Do work with the mind instead of the heart. Your work ethic can be boosted. Students can find suitable success in fields like research, science etc. Any kind of travel will be difficult at this time. The cost will also be higher. Revealing a secret can be futile. Deterioration of electronic items can lead to high costs. An excellent order can be found in a business all of a sudden. The support of family and loved ones will boost your confidence. Health problems can occur.

Ganesha says today you will meet a few people who will be useful to you. You will also succeed in achieving your goal. Student class focuses on their studies. Your best balance between work and family will be maintained. The arrival of guests can be exhausting. It can be a stressful situation with a loved one. Work patiently at this time. Try to complete any work yourself at this time. Trusting others can hurt. New plans and challenges in business at this time will thrill you. Love will grow stronger in personal relationships. You may have to go through troubles like accidents, wounds etc.

Ganesha says there may be opportunities for advancement, the workload may be higher but you will handle it very easily. Your positive thoughts will make your impression better. Victory will come in the case of the court office. The health of a close relative can be a cause for concern. It is important to control your temper. Few people can criticize you from behind. In today's business the workload can be more. Excellent harmony will be maintained in the marriage relationship. Health will be good.

Ganesha says most of your time today will be spent with home care and family members. Spending some time with like-minded people will also brighten your personality. Keep your
important documents safe. Do not try to take any risk or danger at this time. Travel is likely to be costly without a reason. There may be some difficulty regarding the marriage of a family member. Any business decision will be beneficial. Husband and wife will maintain proper house arrangement through coordination with each other. Health problems can occur.

Ganesha says receiving any good news will create a happy atmosphere in the house. At this point the situation is favourable, the protests will go away. You will give more importance to
peace of mind. You will have the right performance in teamwork. Disputes can arise over family wealth and property. There will be a little bit of irritability from not doing any hobbies. Women may face some difficulties in maintaining the household arrangements. Do work in a business or office while maintaining teamwork. Disputes can arise with the spouse
over family matters. Changing environment will have a negative effect on your health.

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