5 ridiculously simple ways to protect the Earth

By divya sFirst Published Apr 22, 2016, 7:40 AM IST

Earth Day started in 1970 as an awareness program by Senator Gaylord Nelson who was appalled at the environmental degradation that took place during the Vietnam War. He urged people to think about the Earth more carefully and find ways to protect and nurture the environment.  Instead of platitudes, and celebrations for the day, here’s what we can do to in our own small way and save our planet  and environment– one individual at a time.


PLASTIC PAIN:  One of the most toxic things that choke our planet is our plastic usage. Instead, carry your own shopping bags – be it to the grocers next door to the fancy mall you visit. Carry your own water bottle, and refill wherever necessary, instead of buying water bottles while travelling.


WATER YOU SAYING? Conservation is the key here. In small, mindful steps. Like not running water flow endlessly by carelessly not closing the tap.  By going old school and washing clothes with your hands, is a useful alternative, instead of using washing machines which are known to consume a lot of water. If that is not possible, opt for a full load every time.


RECYCLE: From garbage to phones and office stationery, recycle helps and how. The benefits are immense like energy conservation, waste reduction and pollution control. For every plant or tree cut, replace it with another one. In fact, this Earth Day’s 2016 theme is about planting trees. They aim to plant 7.8 million trees over a five-year period. Also, help the little birds and animals in the scorching summers by placing your old terracotta utensils, and fill them with water.   That’s not all, watch your garden bloom and come to life through composting.


ELECTRIC BOOG-A-LOO: No, we’re not recommending that you have candlelit dinners all the time (although that wouldn’t be so bad, would it, to implement at least twice a week?). It’s simple steps, really. Like switching off fans and lights when you leave the room; unplugging your devices – like printers, TVs, phone chargers, etc. when not in use.


GET HEALTHY:  Tired of inhaling toxic fumes? Opt to walk, cycle or carpool to work, and reduce your carbon footprint. Instead of waiting for the elevator to take you to a destination, take the stairs instead. Not only will you become fitter, you will improve your overall health.


Image Source: Pixabay

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