7 signs that prove you are in the wrong job

By Fleme VarkeyFirst Published Jul 25, 2017, 7:02 PM IST
  • Thinning hair, perpetual frown on your forehead, dreading office are some of the few things that ought to tell you it is time to move out of your job
  • If the message still isn’t clear then here are few more pointers which can help you decide whether to bid goodbye to the job that’s draining your life force but paying your bills

1. Sunday nightmares and Monday Blues

Yes, if you are one of those who spend all of Sunday whining about going to office on Monday then it is time you spruce up your resume because either you are terrible whiner or your job has driven you to become this. Monday Blues: If the first day of the week only gets groans from you and you need motivation to work every day of every week then time to change your job.

2. Work is what takes over your life - even at parties

If work and cribbing about work is all you can think of when your friends are downing rum and whiskey and instead of drunk texting your crush or girlfriend you are bashing your boss then chances are you are suffering from a work hangover. Alcohol hangover can be removed with lime but what about the dark work cloud hanging over your head?

3.When the family complains asking ‘Are you okay and When will we see you next?’

These two questions prove that your work life has complete control over you. Concerned parents can often be heard asking ‘Are you okay? You look stressed.’ Friends and wife/gf can be heard asking ‘When will we see you next?’ Turns out your cabin or desk in the cabin has more of a relationship with you than your family. So, that my friends is a signal you are losing the plot.

4. You tend to take a lot of leaves

Son: I can’t go to work today.

Father: Why not?

Son: I don’t feel well

Father: Where don’t you feel well?

Son: At work!

If you can relate to this and are more absent at work than present then chances are neither are you happy and nor is your boss. So if you are trying to find ways to avoid doing your job then it’s bad news for you.

5.It’s work!

Work means having to put effort into something. While everyone of us has this concept of a job being the ideal place where you find the mix of passion and fun and hardwork and stress taking a backseat. In your job if you are finding the latter more dominant then your job is killing you. When work becomes a burden and a chore you have nothing more to contribute.

6.The little time you have you spend with vices and depression

Yeah, misery loves company. Mostly in such cases you tend to choose alcohol, cigarettes and drugs to get out of the rut, heal the burn or escape the reality staring at you. Downing bottles of rum and coke becomes your favourite after job activity and depression a constant cloud over your head.

7.Deadlines mean the finish line

Usually when you have projects you have deadlines but in your case if these deadlines seem more like the angels of death then it means you are doing your work only to prove efficient. You may churn out numbers and projects by the dozen but your work in them leaves you drained and ineffective. What is the point in finishing a project but have no use for it? Only to fill office registers and timesheets?


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