Kerala: Clash breaks out at Wadakkanchery Congress' office on Mahatma Gandhi's death anniversary

By Rashmi KuttanFirst Published Jan 30, 2024, 2:20 PM IST

A portrait of Gandhiji and a chandelier were hurled, while chairs and window panes of the office were vandalized during the confrontation.  The block president said that he would file a complaint with Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee Office and District Congress Committee regarding the incident

Thrissur: The conflict broke between Congress leaders during Mahatma Gandhi's martyrdom day in the Wadakkanchery Block Congress Committee office. The conflict erupted between block president Jayadeep and his supporters constituency president Biju Ismail and his followers. A portrait of Gandhiji and a chandelier were hurled, while chairs and window panes of the office were vandalized during the confrontation. The clash came when a section demanded that the Gandhi commemoration be held earlier. 

Wadakkanchery has been a place of conflict between constituency and block office-bearers for a long time. The block president said that he would file a complaint with the Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee Office and District Congress Committee regarding the incident. The members of Jayadeep's team said that he was insulted and threatened and the municipal councilor assaulted their team member Azad. 

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A dispute existed regarding the appointment of the constituency president. The leaders claimed that today's conflict was a continuation of the existing issue.

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