'Donated kidney, was thrashed when I sought money'... Organ trafficking victim shares ordeal with Asianet News

By Aishwarya NairFirst Published May 27, 2024, 9:41 AM IST

International Organ Trafficking case: A woman from Ernakulam has revealed the harsh realities of organ trafficking, detailing how she was physically abused and threatened after selling her kidney without receiving the promised payment. 

Ernakulam: The emergence of organ trafficking scandals in the state is deeply troubling. Recently, a woman from Ernakulam shared her harrowing experience with Asianet News, revealing the brutal tactics employed by an organ mafia. She recounted that after selling her kidney, she did not receive the promised payment. When she sought the money owed to her, she was physically assaulted in her room for several days. 

The situation worsened as she was sexually exploited, and the gang took compromising photographs of her to use as leverage. The victim also disclosed that a member of the racket coached her on how to deceive officials to obtain the necessary approval for the kidney donation.

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The woman who fell victim to a kidney mafia racket revealed to Asianet News that she was promised to pay Rs 8.5 lakh for her kidney. However, she was paid only Rs 3.5 lakhs. 

"When I asked for the remaining payment, I was threatened and physically assaulted. When I mentioned filing a complaint, he warned me that I would end up in trouble. The racket took advantage of my financial desperation. They made me claim that he was a relative of the kidney recipient. He coached me on what to say at the hospital and police station," the victim recalls.

The woman also mentioned that 12 people she knows have donated kidneys. She pointed out that in many poor families, at least one member has sold a kidney. A native of Ernakulam, she explained that financial difficulties pushed her to this desperate measure.

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