Shame: Dowry helps ugly girls get married says Bengaluru college textbook

By suman priyaFirst Published Oct 22, 2017, 5:42 PM IST
  • A textbook of Bengaluru College has a chapter on dowry menace has a shocking explanation on the advantage of the evil practice
  • From getting 'ugly girls' married to attracting boys who are not willing to get marries, the textbook shamefully tries to praise dowry system
  • The textbook also states that meritorious boys of poor classes to go for higher education and make their future.

A textbook of St Joseph's College in Bengaluru has a chapter on dowry menace where a shocking explanation is given on the advantage of the evil practice. From getting 'ugly girls' married to attracting boys who are not willing to get marries, the textbook shamefully and desperately tries to say that giving and taking dowry is good.

A college textbook which should have created awareness about the ills of dowry system is forcing a patriarchal idea into the minds of students by terming dowry good.

The sentences written on this particular page will shock anyone. This kind of attitude towards marriage is responsible for many weddings ending up in separation or increasing numbers of dowry death.

What is the meaning of 'ugly girls'? What is the parameter to say someone is ugly and what about ugly boys, do they too give a dowry to be able to get married?

Further, the book also mentions that dowry increases the status of women. How, by making her and her parents reel under the pressure of debt? Then it also says that with the dowry money, "meritorious boys of poor classes to go for higher education and make their future." Why can't the girl herself use the money to get educated and make a future for herself? With this, she can even find a better match herself, who will respect her for what she is and not what she gets.

The chapter goes on to even say that for all these reasons it is better to give dowry than giving a part of the property. Maybe all these points are told to desperately try to convince people to stop giving any rights to girls over parent's property.

However, speaking to India Today, Professor Kiran Jeevan, the Public Relations Officer of the College, said an investigation was underway. We are trying to find the root of the problem."

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