In a groundbreaking initiative, the Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) has introduced a UPI scan code payment system to tackle longstanding cash and ticket vending issues faced by passengers.
This move is poised to revolutionize the ticket purchasing process, alleviating the burden of carrying physical cash and minimizing ticket vending and small change disputes.
Starting from September 3, 2023, passengers can easily acquire bus tickets by scanning a UPI code, provided they possess an online payment application on their mobile devices.
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This system's launch is initially confined to a pilot project within the North West Karnataka Road Transport Corporation buses, with ambitious plans to expand its implementation to other prominent transport entities such as BMTC, KSRTC, and Kalyana Karnataka Transport Corporation in the near future.
The advantages of this UPI payment system are as follows:
1. Cashless Convenience: Passengers can seamlessly make payments without the need for physical currency, enhancing overall convenience during their journeys.
2. Mobile App Suffices: The mere possession of a UPI-enabled mobile app grants passengers access to a hassle-free and efficient bus travel experience.
3. Mobile UPI Ticket Purchases: Tickets can be effortlessly acquired using mobile UPI payment methods, ensuring a swift and straightforward transaction process.
4. Resolution of Small change issue : This innovative system effectively puts an end to disputes related to retail matters, offering passengers peace of mind.
Moreover, this technological leap addresses concerns about conductors failing to provide tickets to passengers, benefiting both travelers and conductors by saving time and ensuring a seamless travel experience.
It also plays a pivotal role in curbing income leakage, marking a significant stride toward modernizing and enhancing the efficiency of KSRTC services.
This landmark initiative promises to transform the way passengers experience bus travel, making it more accessible and convenient than ever before.