Bengaluru Police Commissioner B. Dayanand addresses threats to the department's dignity

By Srishti msFirst Published Jan 6, 2024, 11:53 AM IST

Bengaluru City Police Commissioner B. Dayanand has  voiced deep concern over the growing trends of corruption, collusion with criminals, and interference in civil litigation, posing a significant threat to the honour and dignity of the police department. 

Dayanand candidly acknowledged the city police's achievements in various areas, while emphasizing the importance of addressing internal challenges to maintain the department's credibility. He expressed regret over the disturbing trends that tarnish the reputation of the police force. Corruption, collusion with criminals, and unwarranted interference in civil cases have emerged as critical challenges, eroding the trust that the public places in law enforcement agencies. 

The Commissioner stressed the urgency of addressing these issues to maintain the sanctity of the police department.
Acknowledging the accomplishments of the Bengaluru City Police in the past year, Commissioner Dayanand highlighted their exemplary performance during the assembly elections, ensuring peace and order without any untoward incidents. The successful crackdown on narcotics sales and trafficking, as well as efforts to combat cybercrime and ensure the safety of women and vulnerable populations, were also lauded.

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The Commissioner commended the city police for their dedication, punctuality, and responsible conduct. He portrayed the force as a model for other districts in the state, setting high standards for duty performance. Despite these commendable attributes, Commissioner Dayanand acknowledged the need for introspection and improvement, recognising existing shortcomings.

Commissioner Dayanand raises a significant concern that police stations often prioritize serving the interests of the strong and affluent, failing to provide protection to the poor, weak, and innocent. This perception raises questions about the equitable delivery of justice and protection for all citizens, irrespective of their socio-economic status.

Drawing a parallel between police stations and shrines of justice, Commissioner Dayanand urged officers to perform their duties in a manner that upholds the respect and integrity of these institutions. Emphasising the importance of regaining public faith and trust, he called on the force to prioritise justice for all and ensure that the sanctity of the police department remains uncompromised.

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