Prime Minister Narendra Modi, following the consecration ceremony in Ayodhya, celebrated 'Deepotsav' at his residence and announced the launch of the 'Pradhanmantri Suryodaya Yojana.'
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, upon returning to New Delhi from Ayodhya, celebrated 'Ramjyoti' at his residence and shared a significant announcement. In a message, he expressed the profound energy that devotees draw from the light of Suryavanshi Lord Shri Ram.
On the auspicious occasion of the consecration in Ayodhya, he declared a new initiative, stating, "My resolution got further strengthened that the people of India should have their own solar rooftop system on the roof of their houses."
The Prime Minister revealed that the government would launch the 'Pradhanmantri Suryodaya Yojana' with the ambitious goal of installing rooftop solar systems on 1 crore houses. This initiative aims not only to reduce electricity bills for the poor and middle class but also to foster India's self-reliance in the energy sector. The announcement was made on the social media platform X.
Earlier in the day, Prime Minister Modi unveiled the Ram Lalla idol at the Shri Ram Janmaboomi Temple in Ayodhya, marking a historic moment in the 'pran pratishtha' ceremony.
Addressing the public after the ceremony, PM Modi proclaimed that Ram Lalla would no longer stay in a tent, emphasizing the arrival of Lord Ram after centuries of anticipation and sacrifices. Expressing his firm belief, he stated, "Today, the devotees of Prabhu Ram are completely absorbed in this historic moment...This moment is divine, this moment is the holiest of all..."
PM Modi also reflected on the country breaking free from the shackles of slavery, foreseeing that people will remember this date and moment for thousands of years. He attributed the auspicious event to Ram's supreme blessings.
Highlighting the unity of the nation in celebration, PM Modi remarked that Lord Ram is in the soul of all Indian citizens, turning the day into a nationwide Diwali celebration. He expressed gratitude to the Supreme Court of India for delivering the verdict on November 9, 2019, paving the way for the construction of the temple.
"Ram's existence was questioned... I would like to express my thanks to the Supreme Court for doing justice, and the temple was built in accordance with the law," he added. The announcement of the 'Pradhanmantri Suryodaya Yojana' underscores the government's commitment to sustainable and self-reliant energy solutions for the citizens of India.