Om Birla secures second consecutive term as Lok Sabha Speaker; PM Modi congratulates him. Traditionally, the post sees consensus, but a historic election unfolded with Birla (BJP) against K Suresh (Congress), the first since 1946. Election arose as NDA couldn't meet the INDIA bloc's Deputy Speaker demand. Modi proposed Birla today at 11 a.m.; implications for Lok Sabha's future are significant.
Om Birla has been re-elected as the Speaker of the Lok Sabha for a second consecutive term. Prime Minister Narendra Modi conveyed his heartfelt congratulations to Birla on this occasion.
Traditionally, the Speaker's post is filled through consensus between ruling and opposition parties. However, breaking from this norm, a historic election took place as Om Birla of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) faced off against K Suresh from the Congress. This marks the first such election for the position since 1946.
The decision to hold elections came after the ruling National Democratic Alliance (NDA) was unable to meet the demands of the opposition INDIA bloc regarding the Deputy Speaker's appointment. As a result, both Om Birla and K Suresh put forth their candidacies, setting the stage for an unprecedented contest.
Today, on the third day of the Parliament session, Prime Minister Narendra Modi proposed Om Birla's name for Speaker of the Lok Sabha at 11 a.m.
The Opposition had initially agreed to support Om Birla as the government-backed candidate under the condition that the Deputy Speaker would be from the INDIA bloc. However, the failure to reach an agreement led to the contest between Birla and Suresh.
Om Birla's re-election holds significant implications for the functioning of the Lok Sabha in the coming years, as he continues to navigate the responsibilities of ensuring parliamentary decorum and fairness in debates and decisions.
Stay tuned as the parliamentary session unfolds with further updates on this historic election and its aftermath.
Om Birla is elected as Lok Sabha Speaker. Prime Minister, Leader of Opposition and Minister of Parliamentary Affairs greeted him in the Parliament.
— Sarkari System (@SarkariSystem)