On Tuesday, accused Sahil Gahlot was presented before Delhi Court and sent to 5-day Police remand. He was arrested by Delhi Police Crime Branch. The officials have recovered the car inside which Sahil Gehlot allegedly murdered Nikki Yadav and also used it to transport her body to his dhaba.
Body of Nikki Yadav, who was strangled by her lover and went on to marry another woman the same day, has been taken from Rao Tularam Memorial Hospital in Delhi to Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hospital.
Speaking to reporters, her father, Sunil Yadav said, "Postmortem will be done. So, it'll take time. They didn't tell us anything, just showed (her body) that this is her."
Also read: Shraddha murder case rerun: Woman's body found in freezer at dhaba in Delhi; owner arrested
On Tuesday, accused Sahil Gahlot was presented before Delhi Court and sent to 5-day Police remand. He was arrested by Delhi Police Crime Branch. The officials have recovered the car inside which Sahil Gehlot allegedly murdered Nikki Yadav and also used it to transport her body to his dhaba.
A 24-year-old man strangled his girlfriend and stuffed her body inside a refrigerator of his dhaba (eatery) in southwest Delhi, and went off to marry another woman the same day.
The incident came to light on Valentine's Day and it was on the instance of the accused that four days after the murder the 23-year-old woman's body was recovered on Tuesday morning from the refrigerator at the eatery, which was locked since the day of the incident.
Police said the accused had hidden the fact from his girlfriend Nikki Yadav that his marriage was fixed with another woman.
"When Nikki came to know about his wedding, she had a heated argument with the accused which led to her murder," they said.
"It has been claimed that she was threatening to implicate the man in a case if he married another woman," a source said. The couple was in a relationship for the past few years and Nikki wanted to marry the accused.
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Relatives revealed that Nikki had left the village after her schooling. "We did not know about Sahil. She had never mentioned him to us," said one of them. While grieving, they felt angry at the senseless crime too. "I want this man to be hanged for the crime," said Yadav.
The Nikki Yadav murder case has a disturbing similarity to that of Aaftab Poonawala, who murdered Shraddha Walkar by strangling her in a moment of anger in May last year. Poonawala then dismembered Walkar's body into 35 pieces and stored them in a 300-liter refrigerator before disposing of the body parts in a forest.