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Liquor ban in Odisha? BJP minister fuels speculation on 'phase-wise' prohibition in state

By Team Asianet NewsableFirst Published Jun 27, 2024, 5:18 PM IST

Minister for Social Security and Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities Nityananda Gond on Wednesday asserted the state government is working towards a liquor free Odisha. Liquor is currently banned in Gujarat, Bihar, Mizoram and Nagaland.

The newly elected Mohan Charan Majhi government in Odisha reportedly plans to ban liquor in the state. The BJP government is reportedly thinking of eliminating alcohol in the state "a phase-wise manner," if not entirely.

Odisha Social Security & Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities Minister Nityananda Gond on Wednesday reiterated that the state government plans to ban liquor across the state. Gond was speaking on the occasion of the International Day Against Drug Abuse.

“Just cannot encourage liquor sale fearing revenue loss. Society is being polluted due to liquor addiction,” Gond was quoted by Odisha TV as saying.

According to the minister, official prohibitions on alcohol have been implemented in a number of states. He said, "Our government is dedicated to following suit as well. After reviewing this with Excise and other departments, the necessary actions will be taken. We intend to gradually eliminate alcohol in Odisha."

“Alcohol addiction is ruining lives. It is leading to distress. Our government will be looking at making Odisha free of liquor and also discourage the use of narcotics. Steps will be taken to bring down the consumption of drugs in the state. We will hold discussions in this regard with Excise and other departments and implement it in a phase-wise manner,” he added.

The minister was further reported as stating that in order to establish a drug-free society in the state, the administration will reduce drug use in the next days. It is noteworthy that the selling of alcohol is already illegal in a number of Indian states, including Gujarat, Mizoram, Bihar, and Nagaland.

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