Dear Hindu Mahasabha, it is you who needs a Buddhi Shudhi

By Fleme VarkeyFirst Published Dec 1, 2016, 11:58 AM IST

Not every Muslim is bent on love-jihad and not every Hindu girl who marries a Muslim converts.

Dear Hindu Mahasabha,


        You wrote a letter to 2015 UPSC topper Tina Dabi's parents instructing them to cancel her wedding to the UPSC 2015 second topper, Athar Aamir-ul Shafi Khan. According to you if that was not possible, the girl’s parents should convince the latter to convert. And if the parents went ahead with the nuptials, you have decided to hold a buddhi-shuddhi yagya for the topper's family.



Well, that will serve a noble cause. One of the most important pressing matters has been taken up by you – the wedding of Tina Dabi. Like that nosy relative who has an opinion on just about everything that happens in your life, the letter points just exactly how a certain section of society is chained by its thinking. Dabi, is an educated, progressive woman, who has through hard labour and diligence cleared one of the most difficult public service examinations in the country. While initially the focus was on her being a Dalit by caste, now people want to have a say in who she is marrying.



In the words of the bride-to-be, “As any freethinking independent woman, I am entitled to certain choices. I am very happy with my choice and so is Aamir. Our parents are happy too. But there will always be those elements, that small minority who will always pass negative comments about dating someone from another religion. It is just that 5%. The majority are very happy. You would have seen in my Facebook timeline that most of the comments are encouraging.”



Aamir, is a Muslim and an Indian. He has also studied hard to be where he is today. As an Indian he has every right to practice his faith and marry whom he pleases. Not every Muslim is bent on love-jihad and not every Hindu girl who marries a Muslim converts.



Dear so-called custodians of faith and society, does this not answer your letter? It is her choice, and she has every right to lead her life the way she wants it. The last time I checked, India was tolerant towards all religions, so where does negative attitude leave you? You certainly don’t belong to the India I belong to. By inculcating and propagating such divisional and communal ideologies you are harming and corrupting the very society whose morals and faith you seek to protect. The people who need the buddhi-shuddi or (brain wash) is you my dear 5 per cent who seek to twist a simple love story into one of hate. Get well soon.


From an Indian citizen


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