Amid massive rains and waterlogging in Bengaluru, Twitter users demanded that companies and businesses make work from home a permanent regime. There were reports of waterlogging in several low-lying areas and underpasses in various parts of the city, leading to traffic jams and affecting normal life.
Heavy rains in Bengaluru on Wednesday night resulted in waterlogging, incidents of tree fall, damage to certain infrastructure and power outage in several parts. The majority of the storms Wednesday night hit the city's centre, southern, and eastern regions. The city had a similar flood-like condition last month after being severely waterlogged by torrential rains. Tractors were frequently used by IT workers in India's Silicon Valley to get to their places of employment.
Take a look at how netizens reacted:
Hope companies and businesses that can get work done remotely will opt for for everyone for today at least, so the commutes gets a little easier for others who absolutely have to be at work physically.
— Banni Madam! Banni Sir! (@ksathyam83)Also Read | This is Bengaluru, India's technology capital; rains inundate city, yellow alert issued
Just shift to WFH permanently and leave the city. It cant take so many people. Let nature heal. WFH is better for the environment as well.
— Amit Saurabh (@AmitSaurab)If companies are so petty that they don't want to give us then at least give us accommodation & food in company building itself. Spare us from & flooded roads.
This is unprecedented rains & has proven that is not ready for this!
Wfh till summer pls, it's impossible to travel at this point
— Raghu (@en_kirikiri_pa)6.00 AM Update:
Heavy rains reported from many places in Bangalore last night.
Better to go in for wfh mode today. Expecting traffic jams in usual hot spots of South Bangalore, ORR and CBD areas.
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trying to stop their bikes from getting washed away…scene in Shivajinagar
We will like to thank MLA for giving such adventure opportunities to us in
Condition of Sultanpet Main Road after an half hour rain
CM should order investigation into this too.
Nobody took 40% comission from civil work
However, Bengaluru has already seen a similar downpour and ensuing waterlogging. Heavy rains in September also had an effect on India's IT hub. At that time, Bengaluru-based IT and banking firms reported losses of Rs 225 crore in a single day.
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Low lying regions of the city have reported experiencing severe water logging. In addition, the torrential rains caused a wall to fall next to the Majestic, damaging a number of parked cars. A yellow notice and a warning of heavy rain have been issued by the Indian Meteorological Department for the upcoming three days.