Chandrayaan-3, India's much awaited third lunar mission, is set to launch on July 14 from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh. You can watch the live streaming on ISRO's official website and YouTube channel.
The much-anticipated Chandrayaan-3 lunar mission from India is scheduled to lift off on July 14 from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh. The mission is set to launch at 2:35 IST with the goal of successfully performing a soft landing on the moon's surface. The designated landing site is the southern pole of the moon, with the anticipated landing expected around August 23 or 24. Chandrayaan-3 is prepared for an amazing lunar expedition that will last one lunar night, or 14 Earth days.
The head of ISRO issues a special invitation to the whole country, pleading with everyone to attend Chandrayaan-3's live launch. On the official ISRO website and YouTube page, there is live streaming accessible, so you can feel the thrill.
Chandrayaan-3: How ISRO decided on launch window of 2:35 pm
It's important to note that Chandrayaan-3 follows the setback of Chandrayaan-2's failed landing attempt in 2019. After learning from past experiences, ISRO has made significant changes to guarantee a successful mission this time. Three essential parts make up Chandrayaan-3: a lander, a rover, and a propulsion system. This next mission will use the Orbiter from Chandrayaan-2, which is still in the lunar atmosphere, to take critical scientific observations on the moon's surface, furthering our understanding of Earth's celestial neighbour.
ISRO's largest and most powerful rocket, the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark III (GSLV Mk-III), also referred to as the Launch Vehicle Mark III (LVM3), has been chosen as the carrier for Chandrayaan-3's journey into space. Chandrayaan-3's main goal is to successfully land a lander and rover in the highlands near the south pole of the Moon, showcasing the complete landing and roving capabilities