In a significant directive, the Delhi High Court has said that it may consider initiating contempt proceedings against the Centre if 490 MT of oxygen is not supplied to Delhi on Saturday.Taking note of eight deaths in Delhi's Batra Hospital due to lack of oxygen, the high court bench comprising Justices Vipin Sanghi and Rekha Palli said, "Now the water has gone above our head. Now we mean business. Enough is enough. You will arrange everything now."
"We direct Centre to ensure that Delhi receives its 490MT oxygen supply today by whatever means. Delhi is not an industrial state. It does not have cryogenic tankers," the court said.The bench warned that non compliance of its directive could invite contempt proceedings.
"If order is not implemented, concerned authority shall remain present in Court on the next date of hearing (Monday). We may even consider issuing contempt proceedings," the High Court said."It falls on the central government to arrange tankers as well. Allocations remain only on paper. The allocation to Delhi has been in force from April 20 and not for a single day has Delhi received its allocated supply," the bench added.NOTE: Asianet News humbly requests everyone to wear masks, sanitize, maintain social distancing and get vaccinated as soon as eligible. Together we can and will break the chain #ANCares #IndiaFightsCorona