Your child struggling to study? Check out key tips to help your children in studies

First Published Sep 12, 2024, 5:20 PM IST

Discover effective strategies to ignite your child's passion for learning, overcome study challenges, and create a supportive environment for academic excellence.

Many children are more interested in games than studies. But today's children are glued to their phones as soon as they come from school. Children who are used to phones read very little books. In fact, children do not have the same interest in studies as they do in phones. But if you want to build a good future for your children, they must study.

Many parents send their children to tuition after school so that they can study well. Still, there are children who do not study. In fact, the main reason for this is lack of interest in studies. 

In fact, just as no two children are alike, their thoughts are not alike either. Everyone has different likes and dislikes. Just as we think, so do our children. This means that children may be interested in something other than studies. Do you know what parents should do if their children want to study?

No Comparison

Children who do not study well in school are often compared to children who come first in studies. Not only teachers but also parents at home compare a lot. They make fun of them. They scold them to learn by watching them. But every parent should never treat their children like this. 

Which children do well in school, who are enthusiastic, depends on the personality of the children. It is a big mistake to expect your children to be like other children. This will increase hatred towards you in your children. Love for you will be lost. Also, there will be no interest in studies at all. 

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Some children speak well while others are very silent. Some are very naughty. In fact, naughty children sometimes show more interest in games than studies. Let's find out what to do to make them excel in studies.. 

Why children are not interested in studies

First reason:

Lack of interest is the first reason. Yes, some lessons seem boring to children. Because there is no rule that 0 children should like all the subjects in five subjects. Many people are very interested in some subjects. .

Second reason:

The second reason is that children's attention shifts very quickly. Children are not interested in studies as soon as they come home from school. Their interest may be in other things. It can be games. It can be watching TV, phone. 

Third reason:

For children to study well and behave well, the environment in which they grow up must be healthy. Some children experience some bad incidents in school. These cause stress in them. So they are afraid to go to school. Afraid to read. Some children may not have the opportunity to study at home. This can make them afraid to study.

Ways to increase interest in studies:

Children have very little interest in reading books. But if children are taught in a new way, they will definitely excel in their studies. In this day and age, everyone uses technology devices at home. You can teach your children in this way. 

For example.. If your children are afraid of mathematics.. Try to teach it as a game rather than a lesson. There are many apps available now to teach this. You can use this to get your kids interested in studying. Free videos are also available on YouTube.

Children are not interested in studies due to watching TV all day long and spending more time on cell phones. If you give your children a mobile to write homework, make sure they don't see any other videos. Also, do not give cell phones unnecessarily. This is what prevents them from studying.

Everyone knows how difficult it is to sit in one place for hours and work. So don't force your kids to sit in one place for hours and study. When you tell your kids to study, give them a break every 20 minutes. With this, your children will learn actively without getting tired during their study time. 

Also, create a special place for your children to study. Look for a place where their attention is not distracted. There should be no bed in the study room. Create an environment that fosters interest in learning. With this, your children will study well without getting tired.

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