What is schizophrenia, 6 signs you have this mental disorder

First Published Jan 4, 2024, 4:01 PM IST

Schizophrenia is a complex and severe mental disorder characterized by disturbances in thinking, emotions, perception, and behavior. 

Schizophrenia is a complex and severe mental disorder characterized by disturbances in thinking, emotions, perception, and behavior. 

It affects the way a person thinks, feels, and behaves, leading to difficulties in distinguishing what is real from what is not. Here are six signs or symptoms associated with schizophrenia.

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Individuals with schizophrenia may experience hallucinations, perceiving things that are not present in reality. Commonly, these hallucinations involve hearing voices, but they can also involve seeing, feeling, tasting, or smelling things that aren't there.


People with schizophrenia often hold false beliefs that are not based on reality. These delusions can be paranoid, grandiose, or related to other themes and are strongly held despite evidence to the contrary.

Disorganized Thinking

This symptom may manifest as disorganized speech, where thoughts become fragmented or disconnected, leading to speech that is difficult to follow or comprehend. Individuals may also have trouble organizing their thoughts or tasks.

Negative Symptoms

These refer to a reduction or absence of certain behaviors or emotions that are typically present in healthy individuals. Examples include diminished emotional expression, reduced motivation, social withdrawal, and decreased ability to experience pleasure (anhedonia).

Disorganized or Abnormal Motor Behavior

People with schizophrenia may exhibit unusual or erratic motor behaviors. This can manifest as unpredictable movements, agitated body movements, or catatonia, where individuals may remain immobile and unresponsive.

Cognitive Impairment

Many individuals with schizophrenia experience difficulties in cognitive functions such as attention, memory, and executive functions (planning and decision-making), which can impact their daily functioning.

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