Want glowing skin at home? Drink THIS water and you can notice changes

First Published Sep 19, 2024, 6:40 PM IST

Are you hosting a puja or a function at home and don't have time for a parlor visit? This water can make your skin glow. Noticeable changes in just one week? Learn this secret formula. Your skin will glow radiantly.

Who doesn't want to enhance their skin's glow before a puja? Everyone focuses on skincare during this time. But along with skincare, one should also pay attention to drinking water.

But along with drinking water, detox water helps a lot in enhancing the skin's glow. There is still some time left for the puja to arrive. So during this time, this detox water can be very effective.

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There are several detox drinks that help detoxify the body and make the skin glow. Cucumber, lemon, ginger, and watermelon can be used to make this drink.

Take water in a glass bottle and add 1 medium-sized cucumber and lemon, finely chopped. Now soak this water overnight. Now this water should be sipped throughout the day. Also, add ginger powder and mint leaves to the water and soak it overnight. Now, if you drink that water little by little throughout the day, it will act as a detoxifier.

Any other detox drinks?

Finely chop watermelon slices, mint leaves, and lemon in water and soak overnight. Now if you sip and drink this water, your skin will glow. This detox water helps in keeping the skin healthy and keeping the metabolism in order. Apart from this, cumin water is also called very beneficial detox water.

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