Vastu tips: Where to keep broom for prosperity and positive energy?

First Published Sep 18, 2024, 4:12 PM IST

Discover the auspicious directions and practices for placing a broom in your home according to Vastu Shastra. Learn how to attract wealth and prosperity by following these simple tips.

Where to keep your broom as per Vastu?

Many clean their house as part of their daily routine and some religiously follow it. According to Vastu Shastra, it is very important where we keep it after our usage. 

Vastu Shastra has a special place in Hinduism. It is customary for many to follow Vastu in everything from building a house to some of the things in the house.

As per Vastu is an object linked with Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity. When we vacate a house, we should take the broom with us. It is because if the broom is not taken, it means that Goddess Lakshmi is left there. 

After usage, the broom should be kept in the right direction in the house. Otherwise, there is a high chance of poverty in the house. Let's see all details, including the direction a broom should be kept, to increase wealth and happiness in the house.

Auspicious days to buy a broom:

Amavasai, Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday are the best days to buy a broom. Also, scriptures say that one should not buy a broom on Monday and Sukla Paksha as it is considered impure. Buying a broom on this day will cause financial problems in the house.

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Don't keep the broom in these places:

Although considered a form of Goddess Lakshmi, it should never be placed near ornaments or valuables and violating this can result in a loss in business.

Do not use a broken broom:

If you have been using a broken broom in your house, throw it away immediately. Because according to Vastu Shastra, it is not good to use a broken broom. This can even cause problems in the family. 

Don't clean the house in the evening:

You may have heard your grandmother at home often saying not to sweep the house in the evening, do you know why? If you sweep the house in the evening, you will incur the wrath of Goddess Lakshmi. So, always avoid sweeping the house in the evening and at night. If you do, don't throw the garbage out of the house.

 Direction to keep the broom:

Vastu Shastra says that the broom should be kept in the southwest or west direction. But it should never be kept in the north direction, if it is kept in this direction, happiness and joy will disappear in the house. Apart from this, there will be obstacles in the progress of the people in the house.

Note :

When cleaning the house, first start sweeping from west to north. As per Vastu Shastra, only then will Goddess Lakshmi stay in your house. Similarly, after sweeping the house, put the garbage in the dustbin. If garbage accumulates in the house, poverty and misery will increase.

According to Vastu Shastra, never kick a broom with your foot.

Similarly, brooms should not be kept in the kitchen and two brooms should never be kept together.

If you follow the above mentioned things, you will surely get the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi and thereby a prosperous life.

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