Stop smelly fart: Top 7 foods to avoid for better digestion

First Published Jun 23, 2024, 12:28 PM IST

Discover 7  food items to avoid if you have smelly farts. Learn how dairy, carbonated drinks, and other foods contribute to gas and find tips to manage your digestive health.

Smelly farts can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. Often, they are a direct result of the foods we eat. Some foods are notorious for causing gas and, consequently, foul-smelling flatulence. Here’s a list of 7 food items you should consider avoiding to keep your digestive system, and your social life, more pleasant.


1. Onion and garlic

Onions and garlic contain fructans, a type of soluble fiber that ferments in the gut. This fermentation process produces gas, which can lead to unpleasant-smelling farts. Cooking onions and garlic can help reduce their gas-producing potential.


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2. Carbonated Drinks

Sodas, sparkling water, and beer introduce extra gas into your digestive system. The carbonation in these drinks can cause you to swallow air, which eventually needs to be released in the form of burps or farts. Limit your intake of carbonated beverages to avoid this problem.


3. Fatty and Fried Foods

Fatty foods take longer to digest, giving bacteria in your gut more time to produce gas. Additionally, fried foods can slow down the digestive process, leading to gas buildup. Opt for healthier cooking methods like grilling, baking, or steaming to minimize gas production.

4. Eggs

Eggs contain sulfur, which can contribute to the foul smell of your farts. If you find that eggs cause you significant discomfort, try limiting your intake or pairing them with non-gassy foods to help mitigate the odor.

5. Cruciferous Vegetables

Vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts contain raffinose, a complex sugar that is hard to digest. When bacteria in your gut break down these sugars, they produce methane and hydrogen gases, leading to odoriferous farts. Try steaming these vegetables to make them easier to digest.

6. Dairy Products

Lactose intolerance is a common issue that causes gas and bloating. If your body doesn’t produce enough lactase enzyme to break down lactose in dairy products like milk, cheese, and ice cream, it can lead to smelly farts. Opt for lactose-free options or try plant-based milk alternatives.

7. Whole Grains

Whole grains are rich in fiber, which is beneficial for your health but can also cause gas if consumed in large amounts. The bacteria in your intestines break down the fiber, producing gas in the process. Gradually increase your fiber intake to allow your body to adjust and minimize gas production.

Understanding which foods contribute to smelly farts can help you make better dietary choices and manage your digestive health more effectively. While you don't need to eliminate these foods entirely, moderating your intake and preparing them properly can significantly reduce gas and its associated odors.

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