Sitting 10-12 hours a day? Discover THESE critical health risks

First Published Sep 11, 2024, 12:56 PM IST

Health tips: Whether you are an employee in a company or running your own business. Be careful if you are working sitting on a chair for a long time, sitting and working damages these organs.

There are many people who work sitting on a chair for 8 to 10 or sometimes even 12 hours a day, but did you know that if you don't sit properly on the right chair, you will have to face many serious problems?

Yes, if you sit in one posture for a long time without any movement on the chair, fat will start to accumulate in your body. When you work for hours without sitting properly on the chair, it reduces your concentration, sitting down hinders blood circulation to the legs.

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People who work on computers while sitting on chairs and constantly move their fingers on the keyboard experience pain in their hands and shoulders. Sitting in the same position for hours also affects blood circulation. Especially when working sitting on a chair, blood does not flow properly in the shoulders, stomach and waist, due to which common problems like body aches or numbness occur.

If the back of the chair you are sitting on does not support your back and you are sitting on a chair without back support, it will cause pain in your waist and this pain starts from the neck and goes to the spine.

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