Side effects of oiling hair overnight: What you need to know

First Published Sep 19, 2024, 3:36 PM IST

Many people apply coconut oil to their hair at night and wash it off the next morning. But do you know what happens if you do this? 

Everyone wants to have long, thick, and healthy hair. They do a lot for this. This includes oiling the hair at night. But many people have doubts whether it is okay to oil the head at night. 

In fact, oiling the hair has many benefits. Oil provides good nourishment to the hair follicles. Makes hair black. Helps in preventing hair loss.

But experts say that oiling the hair at night is not good. Many people oil their hair at night and wash it the next morning. But this can lead to some side effects. What are they?

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Leaving oil in your hair overnight allows dust and dirt to stick to it. This will clog the pores on your scalp. This leads to dandruff on the scalp. Also, hair falls out excessively.

Similarly, many hair related problems like hair breakage, split ends etc. will occur. The oil will make your hair look greasy and ashy. This makes styling your hair difficult.


When you sleep with oil in your hair, the oil from your hair flows to your face and neck. This can cause pimples on your face. Existing pimples get worse. If you have sensitive skin or acne, do not oil your hair at night under any circumstances. 

Hair loss

In fact, oiling the hair strengthens the hair roots. However, leaving too much oil in your hair can weigh down your hair follicles. Also, they become weak. This will cause your hair to fall out excessively. Also, your hair will thin over time.

Limp Hair

Oiling your hair at night makes your hair greasy. It also looks ashy. Gradually it makes your hair white. This is called limp hair. Because excess oil builds up on the scalp. It damages the health of your hair. 

Clogged pores

Oiling your hair at night clogs the pores on your scalp. And then the scalp itches a lot. Dandruff also forms. Clinical studies suggest that this can inhibit new hair growth and affect the overall health of the scalp.

Although oiling hair has many health benefits.. Oiling hair at night has many disadvantages. So do not oil your hair at night. To keep hair healthy, wash your hair within two to three hours of oiling it. 

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