People born on THESE 4 dates are blessed by Goddess Lakshmi; See what astrology says

First Published | Nov 14, 2024, 2:36 PM IST

In astrology, each zodiac sign holds significance. Similarly, each number is given a different importance.

Through numerology, a key branch of astrology, everything can be known based on the radix number obtained by adding the numbers of a person's birth date.

Those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th of the month are termed as number 1. Let's see what it says about the life and future of these people.

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People with this radix number lead a life full of comforts and luxuries. They never face a shortage of money and prosperity.

People with number 1 have a remarkable ability to earn money. They are very fortunate in terms of finances. They profit from whatever work they do.

Whether these individuals work, do business, or engage in any other profession, achieving financial success in every field is natural for them.

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