Looking for a job? Here are 9 ways to conquer video/zoom interviews

Do you have a video/ Zoom interview coming up soon? Here are few tips to ace it

With the world working remotely now, job hunts and interviews have also become quite tricky. The interviews are now on Zoom, making it a little difficult for us because of the lack of human connection. However, this isn’t too difficult. Here are a few ways you can ace that Zoomvideo interview.
Maintain eye contact: During a video interview, make sure you are maintaining eye contact with your interviewer. This will instil confidence in both. To do this, look at the camera while speaking. Make sure the experience feels in-person as it can be.
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No disturbances: Make sure there are no disturbances. You should be in a well-lit room with no shadows on your face. Limit the noises in your room and turn off your phone or put it on silent to avoid any hindrances to your interview.
Dress professionally:I know we have rarely stepped out of our pajamas during this pandemic. However, dressing up for the interview will show your commitment. Wear your best shirt. Make sure your hair is tidy. Look crisp and confident.
Make sure your desk is clean: You may be required to present something during the interview. If it happens, be well prepared in advance. Make sure you don’t have unnecessary tabs open. Your desk should be neat, and your background should be professional.
Be well prepared:Ensure your laptop is updated and well-charged. You should also download and set up the latest version of zoom. Turn off all notifications for even your laptop. Make sure you enter the meeting earlier than the time to fix the initial glitches and are good to go during your interview.
Let your family know about the interview: We have all seen the memes of goof-ups during video interviews, from random barge-ins to eating live on camera. You surely don’t want that for you. So, let your family know of your plans and ask them to give you some space to focus.
Check your Internet: Make sure you have good bandwidth on your internet. Check the speed before your interview. A grainy, gritty video or audio getting muffled can be a huge turn off during the interview.
Practice ahead: Be familiar with all the features of Zoom. Set up a call with a friend and practice your posture, your hand movements, etc. Ask your friend to ask the few common interview questions are prepare your answers well.
Ask questions: It is an excellent gesture to ask questions to your interviewer in case you have any doubts regarding the role or company or whatever. You can also prepare the questions beforehand. Alternatively, pay close attention to your interviewer and ask questions on a topic he might have missed or left unclear.These are just a few tips and tricks for your upcoming interview. Just follow these and trust yourself.Now go ace that interview!

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