Libra to Pisces: 5 zodiac signs which are most likely to be cheated

First Published Sep 6, 2024, 5:01 PM IST

Discover the top 5 zodiac signs most susceptible to being cheated on. Learn about their personality traits and why they might be more vulnerable in relationships.

Pisces are very compassionate towards others. This sign easily trusts those around them. They think everyone is good. They only see the good in others. They are very idealistic. Even though they are so good... even if they see only the good in others... taking advantage of their goodness, people cheat this sign. Especially loved ones... those who are always by their side... cheat them.

Libras want balance in life. They want those with them to keep their lives in balance as well. Mostly this sign wants to stay away from fights and quarrels. They always want to be calm. They don't want fights around them. But... because of their personality of wanting to stay away from fights... not everyone likes them. Even if the person in front of them insults them or shows anger, they take advantage of their calm personality and cheat them.

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Taurus are generally trustworthy. They are very trusting. They are very trusting with the people they meet in life. They trust everyone easily. Some people don't like this sign. If someone cheats them, this sign cannot digest it. But... even though they have such a personality... everyone easily cheats this sign.

Cancers are emotionally sensitive. They are more connected to their loved ones. Their strong emotional bonds can make them vulnerable to signs of cheating, as they prefer to nurture their relationships rather than question them. However... this sign is easily cheated.

Sagittarius are very adventurous. They are open-minded. This sign is also easily cheated by everyone. Their optimism and desire for new experiences make them trust people quickly, and because they trust everyone easily... this sign is easily cheated by everyone.

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