Is excessive salt consumption harmful for your lifespan? Here's WHO's eye-opening data

First Published Sep 6, 2024, 10:06 AM IST

Does consuming salt reduce lifespan? Is this element more harmful than poison? Here is the shocking information given by 'WHO'.

Does eating salt reduce lifespan?

There are many people who put salt in their plates before eating. No food tastes good without salt. It has come to light that the consequences of this can be dire.

Does eating salt reduce lifespan?

Many people start consuming too much salt without knowing whether this habit is good or bad. What really happens when you eat salt?

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Does eating salt reduce lifespan?

The salt we consume as food is basically sodium chloride. It contains between 40 and 60 percent sodium and chloride.

Does eating salt reduce lifespan?

Let's know how harmful salt intake is according to the World Health Organization? Those who consume too much salt should definitely know about this. 

Does eating salt reduce lifespan?

Excessive salt intake is like consuming poison. According to information from the World Health Organization, most people consume twice as much salt as they need.

Does eating salt reduce lifespan?

You may be surprised to know that according to WHO, about 1.89 million people die every year worldwide due to excessive salt intake.

Does eating salt reduce lifespan?

The US Department of Health NHS says that excessive salt significantly increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.  

Does eating salt reduce lifespan?

Apart from this, another major reason for calcium deficiency is excessive salt intake. So salt should be consumed in moderation.

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