Is coconut water poisonous? Health risks of overconsumption

First Published Sep 21, 2024, 12:29 PM IST

Coconut water offers numerous health benefits, effectively hydrating the body and providing essential nutrients. However, excessive consumption can lead to various health issues.

Coconut water is a healthy drink. That's why these days many people are drinking coconut water instead of sugary drinks to stay healthy and fit. Coconut water is a naturally hydrating drink. Also, this water contains good amounts of electrolytes along with potassium, sodium, and magnesium. This coconut water helps in keeping our body hydrated. It also balances electrolytes. It is true that drinking this water keeps our body healthy. But experts say that this water is not good for everyone. Do you know how many problems will arise if you drink too much of this water?

Coconut water

Disadvantages of Potassium Coconut water is high in potassium. Consuming this potassium in excess increases the heart rate. Blood pressure also increases significantly. Also, kidney problems arise. If you have heart disease or kidney problems, you should not drink too much coconut water. Drinking in moderation will keep you healthy.

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High in Calories Many people don't know that coconut water can also lead to weight gain. But the calorie content in coconut water is lower than other beverages. But it is an energy source. Consuming it in excess increases calories in the body. This can lead to weight gain.

Coconut water

Hormonal Imbalance Excessive consumption of coconut water leads to hormonal imbalance. The high potassium in coconut water affects aldosterone secretion. It is considered an essential hormone for balancing your BP and potassium. Along with this, it also affects testosterone levels. It keeps muscles healthy. Also, it plays a key role in men's health. But drinking too much coconut water imbalances hormones.

Kidney problems It is better for people with kidney problems not to drink coconut water. Because it will further deteriorate your health condition. Especially if anyone has high potassium levels, it is better to stay away from coconut water.

Digestive problems Coconut water contains some compounds. These affect digestive processes. Due to this, some people may experience digestive problems like gas, bloating, etc. Reaction with medicines Coconut water interacts with some medicines. Drinking them with those medicines changes or reduces their effect. So if you are taking any medicines, be sure to consult your doctor before drinking coconut water.

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