How to prevent insects in stored rice: Effective and simple tips

First Published Sep 11, 2024, 12:44 PM IST

Worried about insects infesting your stored rice? Learn effective tips and tricks to keep your rice insect-free and safe for consumption.

Rice is a staple food in India, consumed by many for all three meals. However, storing rice for extended periods can lead to insect infestations, making it challenging to clean and potentially harmful to consume.

Storing large quantities of rice can lead to insect infestations. These insects multiply rapidly, contaminating the entire stock. Consuming insect-infested rice can be detrimental to health. Learn how to eliminate insects from your rice.

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Tips to prevent insects in rice: Sun-drying: Exposing infested rice to sunlight helps eliminate insects. Neem Leaves: Neem leaves' medicinal properties repel insects. Airtight Containers: Store rice in airtight containers to prevent moisture and insect infestation.

Peppercorns: High-quality peppercorns can deter insects. Cloves: Placing 8-9 cloves in stored rice repels insects due to their strong aroma. Garlic also has similar insect-repelling properties.

Matchsticks: The sulfur in matchsticks repels insects. Bay Leaves: The aroma of bay leaves deters insects. Spices like cloves and bay leaves are effective in repelling insects from stored rice.

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