Here's how you can say goodbye to cracked heels with these home remedies

First Published Jan 5, 2021, 5:14 PM IST

Our feet carry the burden of our daily lives from the moment we wake up until we sleep and keeping the same here are some easy and fuss free home remedies for cracked heels.

Some women have perfectly done make-up, not a hair out of place, bags and clothes matched together but many a time if you look at their feet they seem neglected.
Our feet carry the burden of our daily lives from the moment we wake up until we sleep and keeping the same here are some easy and fuss free home remedies for cracked heels.
For Soft Heels: Who does not wish to have smooth and soft heels. Interestingly, you only need a handful of ingredients from your kitchen to have perfectly smooth heels. You can make this wonderful concoction to soak your feet in it and see the results for yourself. For effective results repeat the process daily. You would need - 1 tub of warm soapy water, 100 ml seed oil, a handful of marbles, 500 ml full fat milk, a handful of rose petals, a handful of fresh margosaneem leaves, 5 drops geranium oil, 5 drops sandalwood oil, 2 tsp wheatgerm oil.Method: Mix everything together and soak your feet in this water for about 20 minutes and pat dry. Use a pumice stone to dislodge dead skin on the heels.
Sea Salt and Oatmeal Scrub: Make the following scrub and use it daily while bathing. 1 cup oatmeal, 100 ml almond oil, 100 gms sea salt, 100 gms honey, 100 gms rice powder, 10 drops juniper oil, 10 drops peppermint oil.Method: Mix all the ingredients well and store in an airtight jar. Use a loofah and scrub daily on our feet. Not only will it help dislodge dirt and grime but also soften dead skin and start to make the skin smoother and crack free.
Oil Your Feet at Night: Oil your feet at night with a mixture of the following- 2 tsp castor oil, 2 tsp olive oil, 2 tsp almond oil.Method: Massage these oils on your feet (this should be done at night). Smear Vaseline into the cracks of your feet, see that it is absorbed into them very well. Melt a candle in a saucepan on a gentle flame. Use a flat brush and carefully apply to the skin. Let this cool and dry. Wear cotton socks and cover. Leave overnight. Next day in the morning peel off from the skin and rub any remaining residue into the skin.
Quick Remedy - Lime and Sugar: A daily 5-minute routine that you can do is to take lemon halves and 3 tsp of sugar. Dip the lemon halves into the sugar and scrub on the heels daily until all the granules have melted into the skin. Let it dry and wash off with water and pat dry.
Home pedicure: Most people do not realize that a home pedicure will also work miracles for cracked heels. Gear yourself with the following- Two large towels, Nail brush, Pumice stone, Loofah, Nail file, Buffer, Sponge, Essential oil of ylang ylang- 5drops, Warm soapy water, 500ml full fat warm milk, 20ml olive oil, Nourishing cream.File the nails and soak your feet into a tub of warm water and milk and add essential oil along with olive oil. Brush nails and clean them well. Using a pumice stone scrub heels until soft and smooth. With a sponge, apply nourishing tub water to the legs upto the knees and on the top and soles of the feet.
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