Here are 5 amazing health benefits of cycling

First Published Jun 17, 2023, 8:51 PM IST

One of the most time-effective methods to include regular exercise into your daily routine is to ride your bike to work or the store. Every day, an estimated 1 billion people use bicycles for transportation, entertainment, and sport.

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Young children to senior citizens can all benefit from cycling as a safe, low-impact form of exercise. It is also enjoyable, affordable, and environmentally friendly.

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A general improvement in your health can be attained in as little as two to four hours each week.  Low impact: Compared to most other types of exercise, it results in less strains and injuries.
Cycling works out your muscles well since you use all the major muscle groups while you pedal.

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Cycling is a pleasant method to be active; compared to other physical hobbies that keep you inside or call for specific times or locations, cycling keeps you outside and gives you the thrill of adventure.

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Time-effective: As a form of transportation, cycling substitutes healthful exercise for sedentary (sitting) time spent operating a motor vehicle or riding a tram, rail or bus.

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Cycling increases metabolic rate, develops muscle, and burns body fat, making it an effective strategy to maintain or lose weight. Cycling must be linked with a balanced diet if you're attempting to reduce weight.

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According to research, you should be expending at least 8,400 kilojoules (or 2,000 calories) through exercise each week. 300 calories or 1,200 kilojoules are burned every hour while pedalling steadily.

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Cycling helps your cardiac muscles become stronger, lowers your resting pulse, and lowers blood fat levels. Additionally, research demonstrates that commuters who bike to work have lung function that is two to three times better than those who commute by car. 

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Type 2 diabetes is on the rise and is a significant public health issue. It is believed that one of the main causes of this illness in people is a lack of physical activity. 

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