Here 7 early signs of menopause you should watch out for

First Published May 22, 2023, 4:03 PM IST

Your ovaries generate less progesterone and oestrogen as you get older. These are some signs of menopause so that you can manage your body accordingly-- By Anushri Bokade

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Most frequently, the menopausal transition starts between ages 45 and 55. It typically lasts seven years, although it can last up to fourteen years. The length of time can vary depending on lifestyle factors including smoking, the age at which it starts, and race and ethnicity. The body's production of the ovaries' two hormones, progesterone and oestrogen, varies significantly during perimenopause.

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Irregularity in periods: Menstrual cycles that are inconsistent or irregular are one of the main warning signs that menopause is about to start. Changes in flow intensity, missed periods, or shorter or longer than usual cycles are likely signs for women.

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Hot flashes and night sweats: Hot flashes are a typical early sign of menopause and are characterised by sudden waves of heat spreading throughout the body, frequently accompanied by perspiration and flushing. Night sweats, which resemble hot flashes but happen while you're sleeping, can ruin your restful sleep patterns and cause you a lot of pain.

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Mood swings and Emotional Changes: Menopausal hormone changes can have an impact on a woman's emotional health, including mood swings, irritation, and an increased risk of anxiety or melancholy. The intricate interaction of hormonal, physiological, and psychological elements can result in emotional shifts.

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Sleep Problems: Menopause can cause sleep issues such as trouble getting asleep, having trouble remaining asleep, or having restless sleep. These disturbances can be caused by a variety of elements, including night sweats, hormonal imbalances, and psychological pressures, and they may leave you feeling absolutely exhausted.

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Vaginal Dryness and Discomfort: As hormone levels change, the drop in estrogen production may cause vaginal dryness and pain during sexual activity. The thinning of the vaginal tissues may result in excruciating itching, burning sensations, and an increased risk of infections. 

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Shifts and Changes in Sexual Desire: Libido and sexual desire can be impacted by changes in hormone levels. During menopause, some women may see a drop in interest or a change in their sexual preferences.

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Changes in hair and skin: Changes in hair texture, such as thinning, dryness, or increased brittleness, might result after menopause. Additionally, the skin may dry out and wrinkles and fine lines may appear more apparent.

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