Grand Master Akshar shares yoga asanas for winters

First Published Nov 3, 2020, 8:47 PM IST

Grand Master Akshar is born in Himachal Pradesh and started his practice of yoga there.

Known as a Himalayan Siddha, Grand Master Akshar comes from a tradition of Siddhas in the Maha Himalayas. He was born in Himachal Pradesh and started his practice of yoga there. He was trained by his Masters in yoga asanas, pranayama, meditation, and spirituality in different Himalayan ranges. After completing all his spiritual rituals, he started traveling all around the world to spread awareness of yoga. He brought in new methods and systems that integrated yoga and science to facilitate overall well-being. Grand Master Akshar aims to lift the consciousness of the people, thus upgrading lives as well.
As winters are approaching, what kind of asanas would be beneficial for loosening a stiff body?During winters, it is necessary to follow a practice that is suitable for the weather. Surya Namaskar can be an ideal practice as it generates and balances heat within the body. Surya Namaskar is a salutation to the Sun and represents energy, power, and vitality. The Surya Namaskar contains a total number of 8 asanas woven into a sequence of 12 steps for each side, Right and Left. The 8 asanas are Pranam asana (The Prayer Pose), Hastha Utanasana (Raised arms pose), Padahastasana (Standing forward bend), Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose), Santholanasana (Plank Pose), Ashtanga Namaskar Asana (Eight limbed salutation), Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) and Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward dog pose). Along with this, you can also incorporate pranayama techniques such as Surya Bhedi Pranayam, Kapal Bhati, and Khand Pranayam.
Do winters tend to bring weight gain. What asanas are right for keeping the inches in check for the belly?In winters, it is important to ensure that you combine a regular exercise routine along with a healthy, nutritious diet to manage your weight. Asanas like Chaturanga Dandasana, Dhanurasana, Chakrasana, Paschimottansana, and Vajrasana are recommended. They improve your metabolism and the digestive process helps with weight management. Bring in the cardio element to your workout with Himalaya Pranam, an 11-step flow of movements to keep excess fat away.
How can yoga help to fight seasonal affective disorder? (Depression during winters)Yoga is a holistic and wellness tool that keeps us productively engaged. This adds positivity to your life and makes you more dynamic. However, winters are also a season where you feel most lethargic. Lack of sunlight leads to Vitamin D deficiencies that make you weak and affects the mind making you experience dullness. If you want to infuse energy into your winter days, include pranayama or breathing exercises like Brahmari Pranayama and Anulom Vilom. These are known to invigorate the mind and uplift your mood. Yoga also gives you many meditation techniques such as Bhavigatha Dhyan, Brahmari Dhyan, and Aarambh Dhyan to bring about a positive approach and help you remain cheerful and optimistic. Can you briefly explain your latest campaign #timetomeditateThe pandemic has caused a major upheaval in all aspects of our lives this year. Jobs were lost, relationships were strained, and social distancing left many people feeling lonely, lost, and anxious. Now, as the lockdown has lifted and life is gradually crawling back to normalcy, there is a sense of uneasiness all around. Thus, meditation can work as a miracle tool to help people easily transition to normal living. #timetomeditate or #chalodhyankarein is a special campaign with a mega-event slated for January 2021. The event is expected to see participation from people all over the world coming from 110 counties.
Please share the top 3 benefits of meditationAmong the countless benefits that meditation can bring into one’s life, these are the top 3 advantages. Meditation can bring clarity of thought that turns you into a better decision-maker with more confidence. The second benefit is that it energizes you to be productive and move steadfastly towards your goal. Lastly, meditation is a powerful and effective practice that brings a much-needed peace of mind.Any word of advice to yoga beginnersBeginners need to start at the very beginning with simple yogic techniques. Before you start your yoga practice, make sure you warm your body up using the techniques of Sukshma Vyayam or subtle exercises. This involves mobilizing the different parts of your body slowly and gradually starting from the bottom up. Do not get intimidated by any advanced level practices. Instead, you have to start learning the anatomy of your body through asanas and breathing exercises to make steady progress in your yoga journey.
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