Get rid of ants in your kitchen with THESE 6 simple tips

First Published Sep 9, 2024, 2:13 PM IST

Are you tired of ants invading your kitchen? Can't find an effective way to get rid of them? Don't worry, we'll tell you 5 natural ways to prevent ants from entering your kitchen.

Ants invading your kitchen can be a frustrating problem, turning meal prep into a battle against unwanted pests. Whether they're drawn to crumbs on the counter or spills on the floor, these tiny intruders can quickly become a nuisance. Fortunately, there are simple yet effective methods to keep your kitchen ant-free. In this guide, we'll share 6 practical tips to help you eliminate ants and prevent them from coming back, ensuring your kitchen stays clean and pest-free.

1. White vinegar solution

Vinegar is an effective solution to get rid of ants. Its pungent smell disrupts the ants' scent trails, making it impossible for them to reach food. However, this smell is temporary.

How to make the mixture?

Mix equal amounts of vinegar and water in a spray bottle and spray where ants appear. Wipe it off after a while. Use this remedy daily until the ants are completely gone.

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2. Cinnamon and cloves

Cinnamon and cloves are spices that ants don't like. Their pungent smell disrupts the ants' ability to follow the scent, causing them to run away from the kitchen.

3. Cinnamon or cloves powder

You can put powdered cinnamon or cloves near windows, doors and cracks. This will not only keep ants away but will also spread a pleasant aroma in your kitchen.

4. Lemon juice

Lemon juice repels ants due to its sour and pungent smell. Mix lemon juice in water and wipe the countertop, floor. Additionally, lemon peels can be placed on windows and doors.

5. Salt and pepper

Ants avoid salt and pepper because they irritate them. You can sprinkle them at entry points like windows, doors and cracks. This will prevent ants from entering the kitchen.

6. Cucumber peel

Cucumber peels, especially bitter cucumbers, are natural deterrents to ants. Place them where ants enter the kitchen. Change the peels every two days.

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