Get Fit at Home: 5 Effective workouts without any equipment

First Published Sep 19, 2024, 2:14 PM IST

Struggling to fit gym sessions into your busy life? Discover these five effective, no-equipment workouts you can do at home to stay fit.

In a hectic schedule, finding time for the gym can be tough. Fortunately, you can maintain your fitness with high-intensity workouts at home, requiring no equipment. Here are five effective exercises to help you stay fit and energized

Bodyweight Squats

Squats with body weight are a great way to develop your legs and glutes. Maintain a straight back, lower your body as though seated, and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. For best results, try three sets of ten to fifteen repetitions.

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Effectively working the shoulders, triceps, and chest are push-ups. Your hands should be shoulder-width apart as you begin in the plank posture. After lowering your body until your chest almost touches the ground, raise yourself back up. Knee push-ups can be used to adjust.


The plank is an effective core workout that works the glutes and shoulders as well. Begin by positioning your body in a straight line from your head to your heels in a forearm plank. Focus on maintaining stability and hold this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute.


Lunges strengthen the legs and enhance equilibrium. Assume a lofty stance, take a single stride forward, then squat down until your knees are 90 degrees apart. For balanced strength, alternate your legs for three sets of 10–12 repetitions on each side.

Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers use several different muscle groups and increase heart rate. Alternately bring your knees to your chest in a fast fashion, starting in the plank position. For an excellent cardio workout, keep up a steady pace for thirty to sixty seconds.

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