Competitive exams are here: 5 easy tips to stay healthy and focus THIS season

First Published Apr 14, 2023, 3:11 PM IST

With the NEET exam 2023 just around the corner, students are gradually stressed and anxious. However, it is now that they need to maintain their calm the most. Here are five easy ways by which examinees can maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle before they take the test. 

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Kick up: Physical activity is crucial for students. Over the ages, teachers have noticed that taking a break can enhance cognitive performance and increase the effectiveness of your studies. Spending time in nature helps lower cortisol levels, the hormone linked to stress. It's good for both your physical and mental health, as it prevents the tiredness that can result from spending too much time sitting down.

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Breathe in, breathe out: You probably won't believe this, but meditation can help you do better in tests. According to studies, mindfulness training improves pupils' resilience, memory, focus, and coping skills. Consider including breathing exercises or journaling into your daily schedule to calm your thoughts and improve your performance.

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Check what you eat: A healthy diet is an essential part of your exam preparation. It not only supports your physical health by giving your immune system the nutrients it requires to keep you healthy but also keeps your energy levels up and promotes healthy cognitive function. You must intake more of fatty fish or nuts and seeds as they help with cognitive function and memory, or whole grains like brown rice, which raise energy levels during this period. Don't go for fried food or junk food at all. 

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Have enough sleep: Your health and cognitive function all improve with adequate sleep. Lack of regular, good-quality sleep increases the chance of developing various illnesses and disorders. If the sleep cycle is healthy and appropriate, one can concentrate better and produce better results. No matter how hard you work before exams, you won't be able to give your best work if you have a poor sleep cycle.

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Unwind: Yes, exams are around the corner and it is important to focus. However, it is also necessary that you take some time off, everyday, and do things that you love and enjoy! It can range from a variety of activities such as gardening, going out for movies, reading, spending time with friends and family members. It could also just be laying back and reading your favourite book while sipping coffee. Whatever be it, find ten minutes each day just for yourself, even before your exams. 

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