Check out these new dating vernaculars before you hop onto dating apps

First Published Jan 27, 2020, 1:48 PM IST

Here are the top 2020 dating terms infused with pop culture. Take a look. 

Fleabagging – Insanity can be defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. In the dating world, that can be fleabagging. This term is used when you consistently date the wrong type of person for you.
Kanye-D - If you've been Kanye'd, it means that you're dating someone who can't get enough of the sound of their own voice. These folk love talking about themselves, and you're going to need Kim K level patience if you want a future together.
Elsa-D - When someone pretends to the person they are dating that they are in a monogamous relationship but in reality, they are not. It is used when someone suddenly freezes you out without explanation.
Keanu-ing - Keanu-ing is aptly named after actor Keanu Reeves, and is inspired by the 55-year-old's new girlfriend, Alexandra Grant, 46. The term means to shock everyone with your choice of partner, which is described as, “When you get together with someone new and it's a match that surprises people.”
Jekylling – This term refers to someone who showered you with compliments in order to garner your attention but turned aggressive and insulting once you broke up. When someone seems nice when they first approach you but once they have been rejected, even if politely, they turn nasty and throw insults at you. This scenario can apply to conversations in person or messaging.
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