Blueberries to Oranges: 5 fruits that helps maintain good eye-sight
Blueberries to Oranges are 5 fruits that help maintain good eye-sight by providing essential nutrients like antioxidants, vitamins A and C
The high beta-carotene content in Carrots converts to vitamin A when it enters the body and we all know howgreat Vitamin A is for the well-being of our eyes
Papaya has Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Beta-carotene all which is very important for a healthy eye sight
Any citrus fruits including oranges are high in Vitamin C content which is a very important nutrient for good eye health
Kiwi too is packed in high vitamin C and helps maintain the blood vessels of eyes hence aiding in good eye-sight
Blueberries are rich in antioxidants, including anthocyanins, which may help protect the eyes from damage caused by free radicals