Aromatherapy: Powerful essential oils that you must use

First Published Apr 17, 2022, 6:53 PM IST

If you are looking for a trusted, all natural savior for your well-being then the answer is aromatherapy.

Is your medicine cabinet packed with scores of useless capsules, ointments and bizarre medical devices you bought off the internet? You're not to blame: while natural medical products seem to be way too expensive, synthetic pharmaceutical solutions hang down with the weight of allergic reactions and side effects.

If you are looking for a trusted, all natural savior for your well-being then the answer is aromatherapy. The century-old practice of using herbs and essential oils will prove to be the answer to your prayers. Aromatherapy makes use of essential oils, extracted from flowers and plants by steam distillation or cold pressing.

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It is known to stimulate the nervous system via their topical application and aroma - different plant and flower extracts can help relieve stress, boost the immune system, provide various beauty benefits, and keep various ailments at bay. Here’s our pick of the top essential oils that you definitely must-have.

Lavender essential oil: The flag-bearer of aromatherapy, lavender essential oil with its sedating floral fragrance, is anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-depressant all in one. Add a few drops to your bath water - it invigorates your circulatory system reducing visible signs of aging like wrinkles and fine lines. Its antiseptic properties also speed up the healing of skin scarring; add some to your everyday moisturizer to get blemish-free skin and control acne.

Peppermint Essential Oil: Yes the name gives it away- peppermint is great for oral hygiene; add a couple of drops to your toothpaste or mouthwash and say goodbye to those evil bad-breath causing bacteria. But here's the surprise - applying this essential oil on the back of your neck and shoulders in the morning and before and after workouts keeps your energy up all day as it eliminates fatigue and reduces anger and depression. You can add it to jojoba oil and rub onto an upset stomach, or the bottom of your feet to regulate fever. And if this wasn't enough, Peppermint Essential Oil can also be diffused in your room to keep away those pesky red ants and cockroaches.

Tea Tree Essential Oil: Most over-the-counter anti-acne products claim to have tea tree extracts because tea tree oil is popular all over the world for its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Now consider that this essential oil is the purest version of these extracts.( Excited, right?) The common notion that any product that says ‘oil' will clog our pores needs to be let down, as essential oils are completely unadulterated and non-comedogenic (will let the skin breathe). You can avoid the unnatural, chemical-ridden acne treatments by using a highly diluted version of this oil on the affected areas and see results in a day. Adding a few drops of tea tree oil to any shampoo will rid you of dandruff and also head lice.

Lemon Essential Oil: When life gives you lemons, ask for its essential oil instead. This product is the best-known natural mood enhancer and also, its fragrance curbs sugar cravings. Its beauty benefits are limitless - add it to your moisturiser for a brighter skin tone, to your shampoo for shinier hair and to promote hair growth, and with unrefined coconut oil to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Its anti-bacterial and antihistamine properties make it great for insect bites and cuts. You can also just inhale it or diffuse to instantly lift your mood. Caution: Do not ingest any essential oil without medical supervision and buy them only from trusted practitioners.

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